Jaded Is Also Green

How would you be(e), if every corner you turned was a raw deal?
Exploited & then denied the whole entire find?
Raped & berated beyond what any human should ever be assigned

Whom do you turn to when there is none to trust?
As unfamiliars tell you to just focus on love,
As your world was shooken and broken from above

To have and keep the faith and hope alive
As not even your own children act as before eye shine
Looking at you like a stranger has further jaded the time

Whom do you turn to when there is none to trust?
When other’s memories where blackened to dust
As strangers hold the answers but refuse to budge

Scolded to think of the basics only for now
Which is homeless, penniless & manipulated too
She’d never want it done to you; yet, that never stopped the evil other’s did do

Good god how is this acceptable by any standards of even natural law to ensue?
How is it okay after facts are found of the horrors beyond other’s sight & sound?
Into a past you made her walk alone corroding the healing she worked on for years to atone

Realizing only in death will be her new home
She’d shared all that she had known praying for a better tomorrow to own
After screaming no consent to others ill intent; she’s ready to go home…

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