What Do You Stand For

If you haven’t a race or color or religion to delve
What the hell? Where does one go for that path to heal..
What happened to the curiosity of the spiritual zeal and what’s under the veil?

I’ll triple it to tell and ponder why bother w/what is said to prevail
After the paths I’ve taken and, so much, have crossed
Misjustice trumps above it all for it insulted beyond the intelligence that answered the call

Into the depths you tried to end her as she withheld her own breaths to never repeat..insanity as defeat
Claiming a man couldn’t withstand that’s why a woman holds his hand
Blame stems from the other influences and not from w/in; agreed again, my “foe-friend”

You can not brainwash what doesn’t watch or need to listen “in”
She called you out before you had even the chance to begin
That’s the gift that you’ve tried to exploit over and over again

Justice was their birth-right as two fell from their skies
Society had dictated what was considered to be a sin & not honor the soul w/in
There was no fight from w/in it was thrust upon by hu-man-sin = confusion

She refuses to be your mistake
She pushed beyond her safety as you kept her safe
Why is she still feeling anguish and trapped in an alternate space?



9:27am…..Now take a moment to think about being told, “You are always seen, heard, and LOVED!!!!!

If you hadn’t cried reading that…you are not one of my kind & please exit to the left of the building….The horrors and shame of the things I’ve done hidden behind my walls…knowing you are still loved even after it all….I haven’t that proof as I sit alone and w/out you.

Not Today

After you’d abused her body & soul, down to her kids she cherished to behold
You raped her psyche and fed her so many lies; she can’t count that high
As she endured every blow, you then called her a masochist because she survived alive alone
She walked w/a confidence ya’ll wondered why
As nothing was offered but threats of death and others to die; as she opened her arms wide….and said, “why?”
…Are you fucking ludacris? Because she withstood such pain…you chose to label her derogatory again… something other than, a loving mother & friend?
She endured your torture, times 10, and you want to blame her; again?
(How many times my ‘friend’…..need no foe when they are out to get ya, physical proof shown)
Who’s fucking insane? Who’s the one to blame? Who keeps up the disdain?
As she still stands and remains for when justice calls their name(s)
Why’d you push past the song and dance, something simple and easy to last, down to blaming her for being sleazy and underclass
Rumors where wrong and the predictions of evil to reign was your mistake, all along
She hadn’t a mean bone in her body to ever own…but the discord you bore into her bone
She sits alone, in a strange place, that she refuses to call home
For justice hasn’t come to atone for steps no human should ever have to go alone
Never to rest until she’s back to where she had request; w/her loving kids before what you all wrecked….before she was able to take her first step….demands to commands of how she’s to do the best….as she screamed NO FUCKING CONCENT…as they dropped her once again through fears and unrest..a weak apology is not accepted as her life has been fucked up beyond her capability of developing even resentment…. there will be no known rest….for all of us, until justice stops wearing a delicate dress & charges the foul Dr’s to corrupt Judges that need confess to the catalyst to this horrible mess….when they couldn’t bury it….they’d run to the sidelines & pretend it’s a test…..bullshit, as she’s walked through the most horrible deaths and stands on the other side….asking: Why the fuck you still hide??????????????????….
You wished and did your best to make my life end in death…now I’ll be waiting patiently as other’s form the true test of unrest….w/out justice there is no reason to exist….my dis-ease WAS the desire to please those that pleased me…GOD FORBID THAT BEING ONES GIFT TO GIVE TO THOSE WHO TOOK THE TIME TO SEE WHAT SHE HAD TO OFFER TO GIVE…..WITHOUT JUDGEMENT UNTIL THEY WHERE ALL ACTIVELY TRYING TO SEE WHEN IT WAS SHE DIED INST3AD. WITHDRAWING HER LOVE AND REGRETTING COMING BACK AGAIN….SHE’S LEARNED WHAT HER MISTAKE WAS…..& THAT’S WAS EVER TRUSTING ANY HUMAN……

Denial of Justice; Won’t Float

You’ve exploit what I’ve seen
You believe it’s in honor of me
It’s mounting more paranoid insecurities

As you never know what it means to prevail
As being human is where you have failed
Emotions run strong so you, too, played her along
(just like them & used her completely wrong)

Fascination to the order of emotional law
You wanted her to not be flawed at all
W/in the charge of awe; you tried to bury it all

Nothing can void the abuse she & her’s lived
You’re worse, giving no justice at all..even w/her kids
More to cover of what other’s recall..keeping her caged builds the rage not awe

(Silently betrayed w/the denial on center stage)
(Justice will strike w/blind rage if kept caged)
(Those aren’t my words but from the page)

I cleared did say…I stand on the path…they’ll lead the way…into the depths of the darkness is where these humans obviously want to play….as no justice has been given to her, still to this very day. To ignore the findings and the facts of the abuse that had ripped her & her two entirely back, is blasphemy and she’ll let the others open their attack as she’s been awake for a year and you’ve done nothing but continue to smear.

My Anger…

…Is softened by the sadness for those whom never knew….and if they had…what would have transpired….instead….justice is NOW due! Right along with the truth and how long everyone knew…..I’d been used…..let alone the allowed abuse that it now being created by insulting my intelligence every waking moment of denial…….provided by whom?

Just say you had a good time…..if that where the case this would have ended years ago…by what’s been whispered in my ear…..from back when.

Holding the truth hostage is kidnapping….correct? What part of the law covers that?


She builds her environment…

As she feels; fit & deals w/it
Through all the conniption fits
…and beautiful bliss’ness…

Her heart still has the final say
As true witness, to all business
…and clairvoyance insistence(s)…

Either way…
No matter the number, word, or phrase to say
Logic would only clutter the path for today

The secret garden by a river behind the mountain down below
The rainbow flying high next to the eye in the sky & light to shine
Protection is what walks along her side…for any to deny…

The shadow shifts inside for her, none was to deny
Segregation was the catalyst for other’s to die
Symbiotic life is the only way to tie the united

The “i” in team was a misnomer from the very beginning
From the 90 degrees to the lbs.
19 inches, 10/9…errr ummm how about three?

Written or spit’en…or was that “smitten”…here kitty, kitty, kitten
(El gato is trippin’) Need only truth to be hissin’
Sound, unsilenced, holds the tones that echo inside these cold bones

No longer to strive to survive
What will now occupy your endless time; no more, crimes
Cursing the line or calling those who’d loved you at one time?

Does the heart need to respond when it had screamed it all along….

Unconditional love for those first birthed
They where never cursed as some was rehearsed
Word for word slipped the veil; she heard…the bird(s)

As they birthed her a creator
Even if barely honored; indeed, followed the bee and the breeze
She screamed the loudest w/the loss of her last familiar feline friend


Peace Unto All Who Stood To Stand For a Better Future For Family…..Amen


Stopped the blocks as the clock dropped
Father time wasn’t willing to agree w/the flock
A feather in the wind, spin 10 fold to those whom purposefully sinned

Tainting a name that wasn’t part of the same
Pedophiles, druggies, to rapists where never near, to keep as her kin
Lies shattered, as past depths got darker & more wicked w/in

Words so quick to flip off your lip of your last to live
Broke and detained, scars marking the scarlet stain
Hadn’t any right to speak on her behalf; not as the aftermath

Once, never loved drew deep into her skin
Bled it out to absolve her own sins
You had no right to speak for her nor touch her skin; ever again

Now, sit in your squalor as time does win
Truth stands still and need not defend
It’s, of course, a matter in time before it all caves in

Evils spoke as parents past provoked
Scrying mirrors of ages ago; spilled out yesterday
She’d tried to advert it before this day…but her mentor turned her away

Blessed not unto the ones unwilling to teach
Blessing not for the ones who refused to help those who did seek
Grace of all to fall as they only worshiped the white powder balls

Erasing their pains and always quick to blame
Their addictions are their hobbies, lovers, and family name
Speaking only to express and not address how to correct the mess

What was that about duress?
Blinding of the darkest of pasts
Glorifying those whom first violently broke the glass

This too shall pass….but will you last???

Shame on those who where so quick to draw
But, we hadn’t known …..we didn’t know…??!!??
A questing must first present to get the correct answer in any event
(She vividly recalls screaming NO CONSENT!!!!! Now, it’s all your turn(s) to repent!!!)

Never The Same

You’ve killed my spirit
You’ve killed my soul
You demanded I to let go
I never held it
As you said I had biggest of ego
Who where you to believe?
She hadn’t even the self esteem
For she wasn’t raised by loving beings
But ya’ll where quick to call her names
Quick to try and shove her under the rug
For you weren’t man enough to stop & admit your wrong
Instead you punished her in horrifically morbid ways
Trying to get her to end her own days since your ways failed
Why’d you get to dictate over she? Bust as you now see…
Justice will prevail as that’s the natural law & death to be your jail
Should have counted your blessings before you tried, her, to nail
Divine timing along w/the destiny of any & all fates
She held strong for children carried her song into the future to belong
The loving family even if different from what some can see
It’s not anyone else’s place to dictate EVER AGAIN OVER THEE
She needed when she hadn’t family & her friends threatened
The only thing she held was the safety no matter the toxicity of other’s unwell
This can’t be her dimension because it more resembles the concept of hell

I’d Rather Not Say

You hadn’t figuratively kicked her in her teeth
Her mouth was so damaged as to not let her speak
You said she had no name and no family to keep
Claiming she indigent living on the street

What the fuck is wrong w/you sheep?
Every night she was curled up in the corner & did weep
The rape kept occurring over & over in her sleep
Justice to be righted or all life will be denied then

You gripped her nightmares & exploited her inner personal dreams
Saying you doing a favor was far from the reality of things
The ones willing to pay w/their lives to not have her survive
For the shame they carry beyond any horror story to vary

Shame on this society that rather cull than come clean
Shame on the people that are corrupted for corporate greed
Shame on the friends who allow the foe to manipulate the control
Shame on the struggle in vain when absolutely nothing remains the same

My bitterness is the reaction to the literal abuse & neglect that continues every day i open my eyes to wishing i was dead instead of this fucked up reality to be “read.”

Jaded Is Also Green

How would you be(e), if every corner you turned was a raw deal?
Exploited & then denied the whole entire find?
Raped & berated beyond what any human should ever be assigned

Whom do you turn to when there is none to trust?
As unfamiliars tell you to just focus on love,
As your world was shooken and broken from above

To have and keep the faith and hope alive
As not even your own children act as before eye shine
Looking at you like a stranger has further jaded the time

Whom do you turn to when there is none to trust?
When other’s memories where blackened to dust
As strangers hold the answers but refuse to budge

Scolded to think of the basics only for now
Which is homeless, penniless & manipulated too
She’d never want it done to you; yet, that never stopped the evil other’s did do

Good god how is this acceptable by any standards of even natural law to ensue?
How is it okay after facts are found of the horrors beyond other’s sight & sound?
Into a past you made her walk alone corroding the healing she worked on for years to atone

Realizing only in death will be her new home
She’d shared all that she had known praying for a better tomorrow to own
After screaming no consent to others ill intent; she’s ready to go home…

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